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ZDMP Open Call Application Support Webinars

To help you with preparing your Open Call submission, the ZDMP project has organised a series of support webinars. These webinars will provide in depth information about the ZDMP Project and Pilot Use Cases; the Open Call expectations and rules; and the technical details of the project platform and components. It will also provide an open Question & Answer session for you to engage directly with our team to clarify or discuss any outstanding aspects.

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Webinars Schedule and Registration
The Webinars are scheduled for:


Open Call 2 Application Support Webinar 1

Thursday 9th September @ 15:00 CET

Watch the recording of the first Open Call 2 Application Support Webinar.


Open Call 2 Application Support Webinar 2

Thursday 16th September @ 15:00 CET

Watch the recording of the second Open Call 2 Application Support Webinar.

Webinar Agenda

Webinar Moderator: Jun Chan (University of Southampton)

Session 1 :

Presenter :

Topics :

Introduction to ZDMP Project and Platform (20mins)  

Stuart Campbell (ZDMP Project Manager)

•   Project Overview

•   Project Objectives and Value Proposition

•   Project Pilot Use Cases

Session 2 :

Presenter :

Topics :

Introduction to ZDMP Open Call (15mins)

Nicholas Fair (ZDMP Open Call Lead)

•   Call Overview

•   Type of sub-projects and types of applicants

•   Short overview of available support materials

•   Introduction to ZDMP F6S page

•   Rules & regulations

Session 3 :

Presenter :

Topics :

Introduction to ZDMP Technical Details (15mins)

Francisco Barrena (ZDMP Technical Manager)

•   ZDMP Platform Architecture

•   ZDMP Platform Key Features, Technologies, Services etc.

•   ZDMP components

Session 4 :

Presenter :

Topics :

Open Discussion - Q & A (20mins)

All presenters (Moderated by Jun Chan)

•   N/A



Stuart Campbell

ZDMP Project Manager

© 2019-2023 Vytvořeno a spravováno ICE


Ochrana osobních údajů

Tento projekt získal finanční prostředky z výzkumného a inovačního programu Evropské unie Horizont 2020 na základě grantové dohody č. 825631.

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