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€3.2 million Open Call funding available

The Zero Defects Manufacturing Platform (ZDMP) project team invites you to apply for your share of €3.2million EC H2020 Funding split over 2 separate Open Calls aimed at European SME software developers, tech companies and manufacturers to create, test, validate and/or integrate innovative zero-defect solutions for Industry4.0 using the ZDMP components, services and platform.

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Call 1 is now closed. Call 2 will open August-September 2021. Please register with us to be informed when it is open.

It is essential that you read the Guidance for Applicants first and if you have further issues, refer to the ZDMP Open Calls FAQ 

Call Details
Call Total Budget
Number of Calls
Call Open/Close
March-April 2021, August-September 2021
Expected Funding
50,000€ -150,000€
Duration of sub-projects
9 months
Project Execution
August 2021 to April 2022, January 2022 to September 2022
Expected Projects Awarded
20-30 with roughly 1/3 in Call 1 and 2/3 in Call 2
Funding Model
Lump-sum Payments, 70% funding


Open Call 1 Promo Video

Open Call 1 Promo Video

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Open Call 1

Call opens 1st March 2021, Call closes 30th April 2021 @ 17:00 CET

In the first of our Open Calls – launching on 1st March 2021 and valued at 1,000,000 Euros – we intend to award between 10 to 15 sub-projects for SME technology providers, SME or start-up software developers, and/or companies of any size from either the manufacturing or supply chain domains to undertake activity in the following areas:

Activity Area 1

Sub-projects for the development of digital manufacturing components and services for the ZDMP platform.


Sub-projects that develop new components or solutions that can be integrated into the ZDMP platform, or which combine/extend the functionalities of existing ZDMP components. In this type of sub-project the focus is on:

  • Developing new Design-time / Run-time zero-defect smart manufacturing components that can be integrated with the ZDMP Platform and/or Marketplace (must be substantially different from those developed within the ZDMP project)

  • Developing new AI/Machine Learning solutions and new algorithms for zero-defect smart manufacturing processes (must be different from those developed within the ZDMP project)

  • Development/Extension of existing ZDMP platform and/or components in order to provide added value to the platform and/or to reach new Industry4.0 domains (outside of ZDMP pilot domains – Automotive/Electronics/Machine Tools/Construction)

Sub-project Aims:


To create new components for the enhancement of the ZDMP platform, to provide new services to Industry4.0 and to give the opportunity to sub-project participants to build high quality components by leveraging existing functionalities and capabilities of the ZDMP platform.

Activity Area 2

Sub-projects to improve the ZDMP ecosystem by connecting multiple stakeholders, with a focus on:

  • Integration of existing 3rd Party zero-defect smart manufacturing Design-time and Run-time components / services with the ZDMP Platform.

  • Integration/Interoperability of third-party platforms, including SMEs/Manufacturers with micro platforms, with the ZDMP platform.

  • Integration of existing ZDMP components with third party processes / components / tools / services in new manufacturing domains/scenarios.

Sub-project Aims:


To extend ZDMP platform functionality by integrating with existing components, services, or platforms.

Activity Area 3

Sub-projects for validation and/or testing of ZDMP platform and components in digital manufacturing domains.


Typically, validation/testing experiments will involve several components (which may include the platform itself). These sub-projects have a focus on:

1.    Validation

  • Functional validation of ZDMP components InCloud and/or OnPremise – eg workflows, UI, integration with other ZDMP components, algorithms, data acquisition.

  • Scenario Validation: Deploy and run ZDMP components in a range of smart manufacturing domains/scenarios – eg ‘real-world’ validation using real-world data, security.

  • Technical Validation of ZDMP platform and components – eg Message Bus, API Gateway, SSO, marketplace etc.

2.    Testing

  • Performance Testing of ZDMP components in a range of smart manufacturing domains/scenarios – eg AI model prediction & result testing, security, data acquisition & ingestion.

  • Usability Testing of ZDMP components InCloud and/or OnPremise – eg. certificate integration.

Sub-project Aims:


To test and validate ZDMP platform and components in additional use cases / domains / environments (Cloud vs Premises) in order to ensure the quality of ZDMP offerings to the broader community of end-users.

Eligible Applicants

For all Activity Areas, ZDMP will welcome submissions from either:

  1. Single SME Applicants or,

  2. Small Consortia of a maximum of two partners led by an SME.

In the case of (1) the consortium must consist of either another SME or an academic/research partner or large organisation. Academic/research partners and large organisations must be in a clear supporting role only (eg. an SME manufacturing/supply chain company (lead) and a large technology provider; or an SME technology company (lead) and a large manufacturer).

All sub-projects will be funded from 50,000 to 150,000 Euros to complete a 9 month period of work (Fixed Duration).

Further Information

You can find more information about this Call by following the links below:

For all documentation relating to the Open Call (including the Guidance For Applicants).

An overview of ZDMP Technology.

To register your attendance at our Application Support Webinars.

Information on the IPR restrictions on the use of ZDMP components by subcalls.

To access ZDMP datasets that can be used by subcalls.

Register your interest in Call 2 here.

For technical information about ZDMP platform and components.

A technical description of every component of the ZDMP architecture.

To find out what others have been asking…

To find out more about the ZDMP Experimentation Facility.

View our promotional materials.

General information about ZDMP on the application portal.


Contact us on – Please note that we expect to respond within 2 working days, but we can not comment on individual proposal ideas that you may have.

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