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Calls FAQ

Please find below our calls FAQ where the answers to common questions will emerge over time.

Note that this table is updated from time to time and the answers therein are not definitive and could change over time based on further questions or clarifications.  However, we of course hope and expect it to be stable. Regardless as a submitter you must periodically review this FAQ and at least check it 1 day before submission when it will be definitive -except - for those which might appear only in the category ‘final submission’ which may deal with last minute submission issues rather than anything substantial relating to the proposal itself.

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After examining both the Guidance for Applicants and the FAQ below, if you still don’t find the answer please contact us on – Please note that we expect to respond within 2 working days, but we can not comment on individual proposal ideas that you may have.



Stuart Campbell

ZDMP Project Manager

© 2019-2023 Creado y mantenido por ICE


Nota de Privacidad 

Este proyecto ha recibido financiación del programa de investigación e innovación Horizonte 2020 de la Unión Europea en virtud del acuerdo de subvención n. 825631

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