Please find below links to various supporters of ZDMP's calls
SCCCI – South Cheshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry, UK
South Cheshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry Ltd (SCCCI) provides dialogue among employees/representatives of the member businesses in the region. Its purpose is to help employees/representatives and the member businesses to both derive and provide important benefits from exchanges of information, perspective, opinion, views, thoughts and ideas.
View ZDMP Article 07/2020 in the South Cheshire Chamber Business Magazine - Q2 2020 (P26-27)
DITEDI - Digital Technologies District and ICT Cluster of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, Italy
DITEDI promotes the spread of digital culture to citizens, public institutions and companies with educational events, courses, seminars and workshops. It supports the growth of ICT companies through research and development of the technology transfer projects and fosters the digital transformation of all the companies within the regional territory through its “ecosystem” of over 100 digital and innovative companies.